Syracuse DWI Lawyers
Understanding DWI Charges in Syracuse, NY
A DWI in New York occurs when you are found operating your vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or higher. Driving with a BAC of 0.18 percent will result in a charge of aggravated DWI which carries steeper penalties.
New York also has a Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) charge that comes in three categories. These include DWAI with alcohol, DWAI by a single drug that is not alcohol, and DWAI that is a combined influence of both drugs and alcohol. Drugs may be prescription drugs or illegal drugs.
What are the Penalties for a First Offense DWI in New York?
The penalties for first offenses include:
- DWI: Jail time of up to a year, a fine of $500 to $1,000, a surcharge of $260 up to $400, and a license suspension of 6 months
- DWAI Alcohol with a BAC of .02 up to .07 percent: Jail time of up to 15 days, a fine of $300 to $500, the state surcharge, and a license suspension of 90 days
- DWAI Drug: Jail time of up to 1 year, a fine of $500 to $1,000, a state surcharge, and a license suspension of 6 months
- DWAI Combination: Jail time of up to 1 year, a fine of $500 to $1,000, a state surcharge, and a license suspension of 6 months.
Penalties will increase on second, third, and subsequent offenses. You may also be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle.
Call our Syracuse DWI defense attorney at (315) 514-3033 or contact us online for a free consultation today. 我们会帮助您处理各类交通处罚单
Choose Robert Sinesi Law Firm for Your DWI Defense in Syracuse
Driving while intoxicated is one of the most serious traffic offenses that you can commit in the state of New York. Navigating your DWI case involves not only the laws but science and technical matters as well. At Robert Sinesi Law Firm, we have provided competent legal representation to thousands of individuals facing DWI and DWAI charges in all counties across the state, except New York City.
We are proud of our outstanding results for the clients we have served. Through building relationships and critical knowledge of this legal area, our Syracuse DWI lawyer has helped many clients avoid criminal records and the loss of their driver’s license.
Our firm has gained familiarity with all of the breath testing devices used in New York State. We also possess and use the manuals from these machines which help us in your defense. We have experts in the fields of pharmacology, medicine, and machine operations with whom we consult with on a regular basis. With us on your side, you will have a better chance of getting the best results on your case.
Let the professionals at Robert Sinesi Law Firm evaluate your DWI case. Call our Syracuse DWI defense lawyer
at (315) 514-3033 or contact us online for immediate assistance.
Understanding DWI Defense in Syracuse, NY
If you find yourself facing a DWI charge in Syracuse, you are not alone. The city, known for its vibrant community and bustling nightlife, can sometimes lead to unfortunate situations where individuals may be pulled over after a night out. Local law enforcement, including the Syracuse Police Department, is vigilant in enforcing DWI laws, which can lead to serious consequences for those charged.
Navigating the legal landscape in Onondaga County can be daunting. The penalties for a DWI conviction can significantly impact your life, from hefty fines to potential jail time and a suspended license. Many residents are concerned about how a DWI charge could affect their employment, family responsibilities, and overall reputation in the community. Understanding these pain points is crucial, and having a knowledgeable DWI defense attorney can make a significant difference.
In Syracuse, resources such as the Onondaga County Department of Probation and the local courts are available to assist individuals facing DWI charges. However, these entities can also be overwhelming to navigate without proper legal guidance. Our team at Robert Sinesi Law Firm is well-acquainted with the local legal system and can help you understand your rights and options. We are committed to providing personalized support to help you mitigate the impact of a DWI charge on your life.
Whether you are a long-time resident or new to the Syracuse area, we understand the unique challenges you may face. Our familiarity with local laws and procedures allows us to craft a defense strategy tailored to your specific situation. We are here to help you navigate this difficult time and work towards the best possible outcome for your case.
For a free consultation regarding your DWI case in Syracuse, call our dedicated team at (315) 514-3033 or contact us online today.我们会帮助您处理各类交通处罚单